Hi there!
I had thought that I'd posted about this everywhere, but I seem to have missed some key venues.
I have left Torquere Press, and my books are no longer available through them. This means that they're all temporarily offline while I reformat files and get them back up for your buying pleasure. The learning curve is interesting, but I hope to have them up in rapid succession after the first few. The first title I'm doing is Bareback, and then I'll grab them as I go. The ones I have cover art for will be first, and the top sellers. Deviations is getting a quick read through by my darling Jodi.
The books I wrote with Tory Temple (aside from the latests three) have found a home at another press and will be up in early 2017. :D
I hope this answers some questions, and I'll be updating my website this weekend to reflect the changes.