Friday, July 15, 2016

The books! Where did the books go?

Hi there!

I had thought that I'd posted about this everywhere, but I seem to have missed some key venues.

I have left Torquere Press, and my books are no longer available through them. This means that they're all temporarily offline while I reformat files and get them back up for your buying pleasure. The learning curve is interesting, but I hope to have them up in rapid succession after the first few.  The first title I'm doing is Bareback, and then I'll grab them as I go. The ones I have cover art for will be first, and the top sellers.  Deviations is getting a quick read through by my darling Jodi.

The books I wrote with Tory Temple (aside from the latests three) have found a home at another press and will be up in early 2017. :D

I hope this answers some questions, and I'll be updating my website this weekend to reflect the changes.


  1. It says on your website that you have a new series coming out in 2016. Is that still true? If so, when can we expect it?

    1. Oh God, I hope so. Currently I intend to publish the first novel of the series ahead of Christmas. (Originally I had hoped for September, but learning to publish and all the set up of the business is taking more time than I'd hoped.)

  2. Am now rereading the Deviation series for the third time. (The only books I have EVER reread.) Thought I might invest in the Kindle versions but discovered they were not available, for the most part. Glad I Googled and found your blog and explanation. I'd hate to see that series of books disappear. I'm remembering again how good it is. Never doubt yourself.
    Charlie P. (Female)

    1. Why, Thank you! I'm in the process of formatting them right now -- it's taking longer than I thought. I hope to have them back up at amazon very soon. <3

  3. I am re-reading the Deviations series and between broken readers and crashes, I've lost the third book... Discipline. Where can I get another copy? Also, do you have anything new out? Thanks!
